Saturday, January 31, 2009


The colour of her money isn’t green,
For she’s Canadian and stands to send
A message to the world that England’s queen
Is also hers, and will be to the end.
O Canada, she sings without a thought:
She waves the red and white of her realm’s flag
And cheers the toughest hockey ever fought,
Then stands to sing her anthem and to brag.
The problem with her country is the French:
They speak a different language, and they vote
For separatism all the time, to wrench
The sea from guarded sea, then sit and gloat.
If she could only make those Frenchies stand,
Then she could truly brag we’re free and grand.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Little Bo Peep Sees a Therapist

The dizziness of daily thinking swim
Within a withering pool of oh-why-me,
For Bo Peep thinks that it was vaguely grim
That she misplaced her flock of two or three.
This happens most at night when she’s awake
To all the pain of never counting sheep,
For then she calculates what was at stake
And deep concerns deplete her shallow sleep.
She’s told to suck it in and out when called
By thoughts like these along the Bo Peep path,
For, yes, her little life’s completely stalled
And she should light some candles, fill a bath.
So, yes, she breathes and treats her pain in kind,
And finds her sheep were lost within her mind

Thursday, January 29, 2009

A Work in Progress

So know below the show of time and place
A googleplex of cupids fly and dance
And they give form and import to the space
Within a universe held in their trance.
They foam within the steel-grey seas off Spain,
And grow in trees that tower in Brazil;
In Canada they snow, in Java rain,
In China glow upon a distant hill.
This physics was developed (as we know)
Before our physicists imagined their
Mad quantum particles that come and go
With wacky randomness – all unaware.
If equally a cupid thinks as little,
It’s out of joy and joy’s joyful transmittal.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Banks and I

The banks are evil, everybody knows –
They serve the Masons and Illuminati
Who in a New World Order will depose
The good and just in favour of the haughty.
The banks like debt; it makes us all their slaves –
What once were billions number now in trillions;
So while we spend and spend and no one saves,
They lounge on silk divans in gold pavilions.
I say this all with deep ressentiment –
I want it all: the silk, the gold, three cars;
And though my income’s just petit-bourgeois,
I crave the trademark trappings of the stars.
So with a credit card I make down payment
Upon a life tricked out with awesome raiment.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

His Cat Mephistopheles

He thinks he’s sold his soul to his grey cat
(He’s Faust, and his pet’s Mephistopheles);
So in the dead of night, rat-a-tat-tat,
He hears its demon sound and dares not sneeze.
He counts instead, “So now I’m ten years in –
And I got twenty when that puss appeared;”
Next he awakes – a licking of his chin
At sunup lifts what he at midnight feared.
Then as he goes about his outside work
Charged with increasing dread as evening nears,
His waiting cat’s asleep, but its wide smirk
And constant pricking of attentive ears
Anticipate its master’s glad return
When they will play away the day’s concern.

The Persistence of a Dream

They fancy a Caribbean vacation;
It’s January after all, and they
Subsist within a colder northern nation
And crave that sand and sun a flight away.
And so they put their credit down and buy
Two tickets to a land of peach ice cream;
It’s in a week, and they can’t wait – they fly
Each night into their equatorial dream.
He dreams of Dedalus caught in old Crete
With waxen wings made for his freedom flight,
And she of young Snow White entrapped in sleep
Who knows a kiss and its daybreak delight.
And though they have to deal with snow delays,
Lost luggage and some rain, they catch some rays.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Dance Conversation in Three Steps

Step One

As we turn and turn, look out, not in,
For if our gaze is in we will collect,
Like gravity, slight sin on petty sin,
While everything else withers with neglect.
But if our gaze is out, our little world
Expands awareness to the outside reaches
Of our universe where, galaxies unfurled,
We’ll learn all that their furthest stars can teach us.
So therefore we should look to other people
For only then can we complete our love,
And, worry not, that always present steeple
That centres us will ever stand above
Just like it did on that our wedding day
When we avowed to love and to obey.

Step Two

No steeple stood above our wedding vows
Since we were married down at city hall;
And though I grant that poetry allows
Some play with truth, we can’t abandon all:
You set the cosmos as our outward gaze
As now we turn and turn on this small floor,
But it's all flat, and after many days,
We’ll circle back and enter at that door.
So I say, no, let’s look within and turn,
And find our true infinity right here;
But, love, I know – I understand you yearn
For galaxies that dance about out there.
So, okay, go and ask her for a dance,
But go without a single backward glance.

Step Three

That last bit carries some uncertainty –
You offer me permission but you don’t?
And by your look, some greater clarity
Won’t be forthcoming, so I think I won’t.
And, yes, of course, you’re right the small is just
As infinite as the extremely large;
And therefore you and I, as one in trust,
Will search the inner spaces in our charge.
So, please, my dear, stop looking at that man –
You seem to think he’s made of chocolate cake;
Don’t blush, I swear, I know if pressed you can
Renounce your cake if I surrender steak.
We’ll turn and turn, and as they play our song,
We'll dance our way through this attractive throng.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Workplace Maenads

They gather in our near and nearer places,
Their eyes astir with their workplace commands,
And cut their weapons from their routine paces
But spit in tongues that offence understands.
They dance a secret dance that can’t be named
Between a roundelay and common jig;
So round and round they go, their movements framed
To end upon a squeal like skewered pig.
I’ve watched these women dead upon their rite
And seen their wounded eyes transferred on him
Who with his blood relieves some ancient slight,
And found it all amusingly quite grim.
But when they turned their bloody eyes on me,
My god, I fled with all virility.


Like spirits bent from hell, the nations come
(Invisible, but thought, felt, smelt and heard)
Into our inner world like sharks to chum
That thrash about and lash when they are stirred.
They hide inside the ganglia of our gut
And wait a weakened heart and weaker mind
For their best chance to bite about and cut,
And gorge on all the tissue their teeth find.
They kill the hand that feeds them – so they die
When they have gobbled up all they can eat;
So for these raucous nations, we must try
The sharpest strategies for their defeat:
When mind awakes from trembling majesty,
Liege heart and silenced nations must agree

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Lottery Numbers

The numbers roll out one by dreaming one –
From alpine birth, cascade to waterfall,
They tumble in the mountainside’s full sun
As if in joyous answer of my call.
One, two, three, five, eight, thirteen... thirty-four –
From foothill drop to yawning prairie sweep,
They coil a thousand miles towards the shore
As if in dreamy answer of my sleep.
These numbers slowly slide into the past –
From river's mouth to ocean’s boundless span,
They lose themselves within its magic cast
As if in sacrifice for this glad man.
You fall to earth and find yourselves back home,
And give yourselves so dreams may freely roam.

Friday, January 23, 2009


The burnished clouds roll up the mountains' flanks
Like nimble dragons grouped and set to graze
Upon their twisted, high and stony banks,
While riding on their backs the sunset plays.
The night time comes (the dragons have gone home)
And in the purple sky a million lights
Now perforate its vast and sparkling dome
And bring the universe to these dark heights.
It’s very cold, we huddle closer now,
The climber’s hut behind us offers sleep,
When, suddenly, near on a mountain’s brow,
Two shooting stars conclude their cosmic sweep.
Now through the dark, we sense each other’s smile,
And put off sleep for still a little while.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Salmon

The salmon reaches back towards his birth –
The salmon reaches back towards his death –
A place contracted on this yawning earth
To give and take the salmon’s worldly breath.
We see him jumping bravely over falls
And watch him bracing hard against the flow
And know him in response of sober calls
To life and death and what his instincts know.
He does all this while I sit by his pool
And wait for him heartbreakingly aware
He started on his cycle with the rule
That he in time would need to reappear.
But I would like to grant him some more years
Before he too too earnestly appears.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

My Angel of the West

This western road that takes me to your door –
This long and lively road that leads to where
Your house alights and where you wait before
Your entrance in your constant, patient prayer.
So pray for me, my heart, so I may rest
Beside your burning hearth with purpose slowed;
And pray for me, my angel of the west,
So I might gain excitement on this road.
And so she answered me with many gifts
That I enjoy upon my daily rite,
And each anoints with purpose and uplifts
My burning heart with lights upon the night.
Your rest will come eventually to me –
But wait for me, my love, please, patiently.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Everything He Touches Turns to Coal

Dyspeptic and jaundiced, the man is ill
(Both physically and morally perturbed) –
Made sick by wasting of a robust will
With yes and yes and yes and yes uncurbed,
“Yes, I do want that, and so I will take it,
And, yes, I will do whatever it takes;
Yes, I will buy, steal, lie for, fake it,
And, yes, I will count it, while my heart aches.”
So, yes, he counts, recounts late into night,
And, yes, he peeks around, inspects the dark,
And, yes, he locks it deeply out of sight,
And, yes, he leaves, but adds this last remark,
“You stay in there, my sweet, for now you’re mine;
You will stay put, yes, in our private shrine.”

Monday, January 19, 2009


Now the entire world suspends its breath,
Awaits in wide and deep expectancy –
We watch the lands, skies, seas for signs of death,
Or maybe life returned to fitful glee.
The moment now is quite precise:
All’s tipped and trembling on a fulcrum’s end –
To be decided on a throw of dice
That no sagacious prophet can portend?
No, for the universe responds to which
Holds greater weight, death or the drive for life –
And choices in the turning of a switch
Eventually will fix on what is rife.
We wait and watch, but we decide ahead:
A sleeping late or getting out of bed.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Love Lazarus

Your face upon my face is sun and sky
And since the sky is blue I have some hope
And since the sun is warm I get so high
That all the universe is within scope.
The clouds upon my mind now quickly part –
The clouds upon my mind now disappear,
And with a warmth and rising in my heart,
I watch you as you slowly come so near.
I love you. For you are. My happiness,
Which ever rises, warm and clear, uncalled
In piercings of my heart. I feel so blessed
By every move and sound of you, enthralled
By every word you say to me, with pain
So sweet I die and rise in you again.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Circle One before Reading:

(a) Campari and Beer;
(b) Hope from Despair;
(c) Dissolving Ethnicities within a North American Frame;
(d) None of the Above;
(e) All of the Above.

An Arab and a Jew are in a bar:
One’s drinking Campari, the other beer;
“That sure is pink,” one says. “I think you are
A douchebag fudgepacker and dumbass queer.”
“Oh, yeah,” the other says, “You know you come
From dipshit generations of buttmass;
A loser, fucktard piece of cosmic scum,
Your type’s not fit to kiss my nasty ass.”
“So let’s agree to disagree, because
We’re here, I think, to just enjoy our drinks,
And though we can for hours point to flaws,
Such manners make us both a couple dinks.”
“Yes, alchemy’s the way to go with this –
To frenemies – and ain’t this mixed drink bliss?”

Friday, January 16, 2009

As Dawn to Dusk

After eight dismal years of dismal rule,
A worldwide tyrant with a simpering smile
Who most on earth know as a righteous fool
Steps from misrule, but leaves behind his bile
And its results, a spiteful legacy,
Descending from his sadness and his sham,
Of wastelands made for all with eyes to see
And coming generations to goddamn.
As dawn to dusk, another steps, a guide,
And in the world awakening hearts now stream
With tears and hopes and love, and passions ride
Upon a morning held within a dream.
And neither of these people needs a name;
The moment stands within an older frame.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Unexplained Phenomena, One

The tiny house just there above the square
Is loved at once by all who go to see it,
But on its lawn a for sale sign’s still there
And those inside just wait in hope to flee it.
The high view of the bay’s the best in town;
Its lawns embrace its frame in emerald green;
Its floors are stained a lovely nutty brown:
It’s got to be the cutest house you’ve seen.
What’s wrong with this small gem that can’t be sold?
It’s not defamed by some quite grizzly crime,
And no tectonic faults hide in its hold –
Its plumbing, heating, wiring are sublime.
It’s priced just right and no one can deny it;
Sweet, perfect, yes, yet no one wants to buy it.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Where Hecatombs Suffice

Obedient armies, winged on war, despair
Before their shared great dread who sits within
Each stolen heart upon a leaden chair
And orders all to fight their very kin.
A great hurrah flies up on either side,
As weapons drum and smash a song of wars;
Upon a surge of blood and fear they ride
In group to group whose flesh their flesh adores.
They do not fight for mothers, fathers, pride,
Not for their nations, brothers, sisters, need,
Not for their sobbing lovers have they died,
And not for any thought or any creed.
All flesh is offered up in sacrifice
To that within where hecatombs suffice.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Proletariat Bidet

“I think that I am quite the bon vivant,
Have savoir faire, éclat, élan, finesse,
And, yes, indeed, I’m always au courant,
And, though I’m poor, I have the right noblesse.
Oblige: it’s de rigeur, no laissez-faire,
And since sang froid’s combined with joie de vivre,
It’s fait accompli I’m the lumière -
Now that’s my coup de grâce, and so I leave.”
And so this Anglophone and Francophile
Departs for pretty Paris one more time
And they’ll all greet him with a Gallic smile
And laugh behind his back and think him slime.
That’s why in Paris I don’t use bidets;
I know about the Gaul’s perverted ways.

L'esprit d'escalier

She laughed, then scoffed, “Uhm, yeah, sweet shortbus guy,
It’s me who’s got the cards – right now – correct?
So now when someone calls we’re not so shy
To get the phone – so, spaz, show some respect.”
She’d obviously been saving all this stuff
And sorting it together in a file –
A megaton of words and quite enough
To leave me flabbergasted for awhile.
So my reply was no reply just then –
I blushed and watched her leave in all her might,
But thought, when I had time to count to ten,
“We took the bus together, retard, right?”
The Germans call such comebacks Treppenwitz,
Which is, I think, a rather tankless blitz.

Monday, January 12, 2009

First Avatar, Three

Elaine Bench,
The Importance of Blue Brocade

Some women love their men in uniform
(I’ve heard, you’ve heard, for so the saying goes);
The tightness of the fit and postures storm
Their high defensive walls as worm to rose.
So little boys are made the sternest men
With brassy buttons and with brave awards,
Insignia of rank, crest, badge, and when
They form in lines and show their sparkly swords.
But I like something softer than this wool:
A gauzy shift of silk, a supple curve,
A loose décolleté: these emblems pull
My eyes and thoughts and order me to serve.
No battle lines are formed: One’s on parade,
While the other stretches on some blue brocade.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

The Incredible Shrinking Couple

The rhythms of our lives we synchronise
To waking and to sleeping happy hours
That leave us blithely living in reprise
With concentration of our coupled powers.
You smile and I return your little bliss,
My eyes diverted by our bedside mirror;
While looking there, I answer with a kiss
That’s meant to cram our hearts a little nearer.
But then it cracks (I’m cracked, and so are you),
And then we see each other as we are,
For there you are, and here I lie stuffed too:
We’re marked and naked to the mirror’s scar.
But if we squeeze into unbroken spaces,
We’ll start all over with still smaller faces.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Isn’t It Bromantic

He slaps my back and I slap his: we’re bros
Who talk and talk so seriously for hours
And then a look is passed: I know he knows,
And giggles overwhelm like April showers.
But when these showers pass, we’re in a field
Alive with every rainbow hue and bloom –
We’re drunk, of course – but then these pictures yield
To smoky battlefields where bombs kaboom.
My bromance with this guy is getting hot –
We’re heroes in the combat of the strong,
When shrapnel hits the ever tender spot
Within his heart where both our hearts belong.
This scene’s the best in any real bromance:
He’s dying in my arms – it’s our best chance.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Osculatological Pedagogy

A sampling of the nectar of your lips
Is all I need for this examination;
So bend and let me take a couple sips,
And, afterwards, I’ll test another station.
To London I will go and test what’s there,
New York and Rome, Madrid and Saint Tropez –
In all the world, before returning here,
I’ll study kisses and move on my way.
What’s that, you ask – why kiss so well and run?
You beg for me to wait for just awhile,
Because your gentle training’s just begun
And you prefer my rare distinctive style?
So, Paris, kiss, Shanghai, kiss, kiss goodbye –
Subject insists I base my studies nigh.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

First Avatar, Two

Elaine Bench,
Response to Sappho, Two

I’m here awakened, though I have not slept,
As if from exile – subterranean haunts
Have been the empty places where I’ve crept
Until, now called, to answer all your wants?
You blamed our love on love itself, and now
Buy love itself to bring back love to you?
You offer beauty and delight, and vow
To let yourself be plundered through and through?
Well, woman, know it’s not that simply done:
I’ve had a life. I was dismissed. I’m not
That same sad girl. Not I. Not now. I’ve won
Some self-respect – I’ll not be crudely bought.
But if you promise this time love will be
Forever, love, then I might soon agree.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

First Avatar, One

Elaine Bench,
Response to Sappho, One

“I must go now, Irene, my love, I go
With much regret; but I’ll return in spring

When first the early crocus breaks the snow
And long before the laggard bluebells ring.”
“Your words are full of flowers in reply,
And so I doubt them, sweet Elaine; I’ll wait
For you, and love, not past this next July –
On August 1st I’ll find another mate.”
“Irene, my dove, love knows no almanacs;
You’re too much by the book – these patent terms
Take violet from the rose, and arrant facts
Entwine your petalled brow with little worms.”
“Elaine, if you’re the violet I’m the rose;
And worms and roses – you know how that goes.”

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Purification Five, Æther

The Lady Albertine assumes a pose
Before the coffee shop for all to see;
She gives a stately dance, and on she goes –
It’s two o’clock; the next show will be three.
She carries worldly goods within her bags –
Five rubies and an emerald or two;
For her all’s lace and silk (she owns no rags),
And kerchiefs glow the deepest lapis blue.
But then she hears a word and turns to it,
And finds that no one’s there; her enemy
Has fled again - but will in time submit
And deeply bow to her high dignity.
The Lady Albertine is madly rich,
But now and then she hears about that witch.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Purification Four, Fire

A fire in the middle of the woods
That burns late on a chilly August night
Becomes a meditation on the good
In what remains within the embers’ light.
A thought flames out about the time she kissed
At noon beneath a bending trunk of tree;
Another is of morning and the mist,
With all the days and nights before her free.
A poignant time, this is: her tent awaits;
At last she goes to it with falling heart,
But there she recollects until too late –
She’s sleepless as the final morning starts:
She stamps her boots upon the fire’s embers,
But still some flame remains into September.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Purification Three, Wind

She sang of flowers in their fitful slumber
And of their hues, as if she were the air
Upon each petal’s waving endless number;
Then perched herself upon her wicker chair.
She waved a summer fan, its light wind hit
My face and neck; and all my thoughts were fixed
On eyes and lips – so ready to submit
To flying words and nature intermixed.
To be that which she spoke about, I thought,
Would bring that happy wind within her words
To me each day – now ready to be taught
And eavesdrop on the clever sounds of birds.
And walking home that dawn along a trail,
I thought of her and heard her in the dale.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Purification Two, Earth

He has a dream that puts him in his grave;
He’s still alive, he knows, but there he lies –
The darkness close upon him, but he craves
For nothing more than what’s before his eyes.
He can’t explain this momentary peace:
He’s quite alone; he feels the coffin’s plush
Warm pillows, soft upon his flesh, increase
Their hold upon him in the folding hush.
Then all at once, a rush of something near
Takes him, like Lazarus, and from this place
He’s lifted up, with pounding in his ears
And grasping for some air as in some race.
Now sitting up in bed, he feels the chill,
And glimpses sunlight low upon the sill.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Purification One, Water

A spring surprised me on my hike that day –
I’d walked the path repeatedly before
And knew no spring to flow upon its way,
But there it was: the spring – as through a door,
I stepped towards the opened, sounding place
And thought I’d take advantage of this link
Disclosed before me of some wider space
That asked for nothing but for me to drink.
And so I drank – its water was quite sweet,
And coolly quenched my thirst, but warmly filled –
Then I awoke to silence, but its heat
Remained alive within a mind now stilled.
Returning once or twice, I found it gone,
But felt that still its water could be drawn.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Santa Claus on the Cross, Three

They say I am the onanist supreme,
A jerkoff nob, the very biggest dick,
A full-fledged member of my member’s team,
An asshole summa-cum-laude with prick.
I like to scratch myself, my privy parts,
Assert myself among their beefy presence,
And practice all the endless frottage arts
Of fine display of what’s my manly essence.
But wanker PDAs do not complete
And lead to some quite messed-up booty calls
For any sort of accessible meat
To mitigate the bluest of blue balls.
She queefs, “You’re flawed, an ass, a clusterfuck,”
And as a gift I turn the greater schmuck.